Small business services
Business Acquisitions and Sales
Guide small business owners through the process of purchasing a business or selling your business. Services include writing and negotiating Letters of Intent, Buy/Sell agreements and lease transfers.
Commercial real estate leasing
Write and negotiate commercial leases, commercial lease amendments and commercial lease transfers for landlords and tenants. Litigate cases in landlord tenant court.
Commercial Real Estate Sale/Acquisition
Handle all pre closing aspects of commercial real estate sales and acquisition including letters of intent, writing and negotiating contracts and due diligence.
Business Entity Formation
Form LLCs, corporations and partnerships as well as writing operating agreements, shareholder agreements and partnership agreements.
Alcoholic Beverages Licensing
Alcoholic Beverage licensing for bars, restaurants, distributors, importers, brewers, winemakers and distillers.
business law Lawyer
About McInerny Legal
It is good to have a lawyer who understands the law, it is better to have a lawyer who understands law and business. I am a lawyer who not only has courtroom experience as well experience at the negotiating table, but I also have several years of practical business experience in operating a retail business where I do everything from making payroll to executing sales and marketing plans to working with vendors. I am also a licensed real estate broker.
My diverse legal and business background makes me an especially valuable trusted small business advisor. I understand and solve problems which confront small business owners daily. I regularly write and negotiate commercial leases, buy sell agreements, business entity formation documents, business plans and assist my clients with strategic planning.
A Montgomery County native, and graduate of University of Baltimore School of Law, I have lived and worked in Montgomery County for over 50 years. I am licensed to practice in the State of Maryland only.